This is a shortish update. I have been working diligently on my sleeves and have about 12 inches done on each sleeve with all the increases, so I just get to knit for awhile (haha - just knit - what with the lace and cables and all), before I start to decrease for the cap of the sleeve. I should be finished by next update.
Last night I started a secret Santa gift for my knit group's annual Christmas get together. I can't post anything about it here, but I can tell you that it was a new technique that I have never tried before, and I am so excited about the finished product (I finished it this afternoon), that I cast on another one straight away. Profuse apologies to my sweater that I had promised I would finish before casting on anything new.
I was looking for this technique and this pattern on Ravelry and I found just the pattern. I went to the designer page and here is where I found a message from my angels.
You see, I have been feeling quite down these past weeks and thinking I just wasn't able to think of anything to make for the secret Santa, so perhaps I just wouldn't go to the get together this year.
But then I went to my knit group last Thursday and felt the love and warmth of this fine group of women.
So, I went home and starting to search for patterns on Ravelry.
And when I found the designer's page she had a long apology about being unavailable because her sister-in-law had committed suicide, and then her brother had died, and she was in the middle of settling the estate and taking in and caring for the two young children who had lost both their parents.
Kinda puts my problems into perspective.
So yesterday I went for a swim. And today I went to yoga, and then started to think about Christmas, and presents, and despite my sore back, and despite the rain, I am picking myself up and dusting myself off and getting on with things.
Because that is what we do.
Putting it all into perspective my problems right now seem mighty small.
Peace and love to you all.
It's Advent. The very best time of the year.
I shall light candles.
I shall eat mandarin oranges.
I shall drink gingerbread spice tea.
And on December 1st I will begin knitting the Project Peace cowl.
It can't hurt.
It can only help.