Yes, I frogged this week. I picked up my Cookie A socks which I had cast on during my cast on flurry a number of weeks back, and working with the dark blue was making my eyes very tired and me very cranky. What's the fun in that. I have not abandoned the pattern, but I think I have just the homespun that will do perfectly. Stay tuned.
I finished the first quadrant of my baby blanket and it is very pretty, and knit up fairly quickly. Look at all those trees of life.

I picked up my Tibetan socks that I am making from homespun and voila

first sock done and ....

second sock to the heel so I will finish these tonight while watching the Oscars. On a side note the book in the picture is my go-to sock book. I have made every sock in the book, but these tibetan ones I have made at least ten times. I LOVE Cat Bordhi.
Oh and the firemen story....
I was swimming laps yesterday and had been in the pool about 30 minutes when out of the corner of my eye I noticed a flashing light I had never noticed before. I looked up and saw all the lifeguards ordering people out of the pool. This usually happens if a baby's diaper has failed and, well, you know.
But no, this time the lifeguard told me to follow everyone OUTSIDE! It was 7 degrees outside (celsius) but felt like it was 0. Luckily I had brought a towel onto the pool deck, something I rarely do, so I wrapped myself up and followed the line of people. A lovely man joked with me that he thought the pool was the safest place if there was a fire, and as I was already starting to shiver I agreed.
The staff were handing out extra towels, and I snagged another one, and although they didn't make us go right outside, they did make us stand near the doors in the large atria. I was tempted to snuggle up to the warm looking Dad who was holding his three year old, but I only stood close enough to get some of his body heat.
The firemen arrived all geared up and searched the building and finally determined it was a false alarm and the blasted alarms were turned off, but are still ringing in my ears.
They allowed we could go back to the change rooms but the pool wouldn't open for another five minutes while the lifeguards got reorganized.
I headed for the shower and turned on showers for all the little girls that were shivering. Once they let us back into the pool I headed for the hot-tub, then the steam room, then the sauna and then back to the shower.
I think I am warmed up now.
My excitement for the week. And why are ALL firemen so gorgeous? Is that is the job description? Wondering minds want to know.
We had snow again this week, but my hoya is blooming so I have to believe Spring will come. Two blossoms this time. I know my mother is looking down from the spiritual world giving me props.

I did get three things onto the blocking mat this week and took over the kitchen table for a day. I will post artsy pictures once they are dry and I can find a gorgeous model.

Please notice the sun coming in the window. Sun!! Made for a crummy picture, but SUN!!
And to close here is a picture of my long suffering husband.

If you want to follow other yoppers here they are.