I have been reading a book by Julia Cameron called
The Artist's Way, A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity.
One of the recommendations is morning pages. Morning pages is three pages of writing, long-hand, first thing every morning. I have been doing it for about a week now. The recommendation is not to go back and re-read what you have written, but just to write.
That is funny to me because my longhand scrawl is literally unreadable especially when I am writing in my stream of consciousness mode.
I am enjoying it. Writing just to write. Not to be read by anyone (not even me), Not to be published. Not to be edited. Not to be meaninful. Just writing.
The other recommendation is to take yourself out on an Artist's date. Just you, alone. Once a week for a couple of hours. A gallery, a walk, window shopping, whatever and wherever gives you inspiration and joy. Like a play-date with yourself.
Last night I took myself out to a Dare to be Heard event. It is a gathering of writers of all genres who want to read five minutes of their work.
It is the second time I have read my work in public and I am feeling good about the feedback and about my writing. Reading it aloud is empowering. I think to myself - "Hey, this is pretty good". I am committed more than ever to finish this first edit of my novel and then to get some beta readers to have a go at it.
I have decided that once I am back from summer travels I will work at 'getting it out there'. I am excited about the possibilities.
So I am writing daily, but not here on the blog. I am feeling silenced here, but I believe
The Artist's Way will help me unblock and get back to posting at least twice a week.
You with me?
I have been doing ok lately. Not great, but ok. The cat is definitely on the mend, and my sock knitting mojo is back.
I will leave you with a cute test-knit I am doing for a Ravelry designer called
The Last Fish is mine. Once the pattern is live I will post the link in the comment section below.
Can you see the cats and the fish? The lace work is little paw prints. Too cute.
Working on this test-knit has made me think that maybe, one day, I could design a sock of my own.
Also, I am having eye surgery on Thursday so send me some positive vibes.
I could use them.