Well, thanks to the two sailing wait to get home on Monday I did finish the first Alhambra sock and cast on the second before docking on my side of the water.

It was a little snug to get on because I didn't carry the floats long enough for the first repeat.

The second sock I wanted to do with reverse colours. Remember? Well I started it and was on row 16 when I read the comments on the previous post and remembered - ack!!! I am suppose to be reversing the colours.
So I frogged back to the cuff and restarted.
It was a little tricky to remember that the dark square in the chart means the light yarn and vice versa, but once I got the pattern rolling I had very few places where I forgot and had to tink back a few stitches.
I turned the heel last night and here is my progress on sock number two. This is the wrong side of the sock as I am knitting them inside out so the floats will be looser.

Can you see the reversal? Cool, eh?
One night I did a few more rows on Iona square number 15 - but not enough to rate a picture.
When I was on the little island I bought a knitting magazine and it had a kit to make a unicorn. I have all the pieces knit but now I need to sew them together (my least favourite knitting task). Next week I will unveil the little unicorn stuffy.
And the one more thing?

It is my dh's and my 40th wedding anniversary today! Yup, 40! There has been some tinking back over the years, and some frogging, and even a few times when the project was put on a time out, but all in all here we are - and both glad to be together, still in love, and the best of friends.