Monday, November 18, 2013

Is this what Manic feels like?

As a person who suffers from depression I have often thought about people who are manic-depressives and wondered what that would be like. Lately I think I have been experiencing small hints of mania, and I don't like it. Oh yes, I am getting things done, making lists, throwing stuff out, talking too much and too loudly (I think), and I feel like I am teetering on the edge of a very high, very narrow, fence.

So here is my list.
Maybe if I write it down I can let it go and calm down.

Buy new mattress and get rid of old one
Get piano tuned
Get rid of old piano
Get rid of dish set
Find missing piece of wood so I can get piano stool repaired (I have been looking for this piece for a year)
Repair or throw out old chair from my mother's house
Get rid of old rattan chair on back porch
Sort out son's clothes in basement room
Finish my brother's sweater
Finish my sweater
Finish that stupid sock I started last spring (I might just frog this and let it go)
Find turkey platter to match dish set I just bought
Recover kitchen chairs
Get rid of my aunt's, grandmother's and mother-in-law's furs

That is just the list I made yesterday.

I feel like I am running out of time. That I have to do these things right now, like there is no tomorrow. It is weird because usually I can procrastinate like there is always tomorrow.

But not lately.

If this is what people feel like when they are manic I can empathize.
But, I am looking for balance.

I am going for a walk.

I am going for a walk.
Because I need to be among the trees that have stood for hundreds of years living one day at a time.

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