Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Wednesday HodgePodge - Patience?

Yup, it's Wednesday - Check out other HodgePodge entries here.

1. What's something that has recently 'tried your patience'?

I bought a gorgeous skein of yarn, and when I was winding it with my swift and ball winder I got into a horrible tangled mess. It took over an hour to undo and was so very frustrating.

2. Do you think patience comes to us naturally or is it something you have to learn as you grow? On a scale of 1-10 generally how patient are you? (1=I blow up at the drop of a hat and 10=I've got all the time in the world).

I think patience comes to some easier than others but i do think you can develop patience over time and with age. Generally speaking I am not very patient. I would probably give myself, on a good day, a five.

3. Share about a time when you felt like you could fly. Or a time you wished you could fly. Or a time you felt like you were flying.

I always wish I could fly - especially so I could be close to my children when they have been living far away. I dream about flying often. I love those dreams.

4. Your favorite song with the word fly in the title or lyrics, or your favorite song that relates to flying in some way?

First song that came to my mind is one my grade 4/5 choir sang called On the Back of an Eagle.

5. What's in your fall picnic basket and where are we picnicking in your neck of the woods this time of year?

Well, it would be Mole Pie. Ha! No, really. It is a recipe that comes out of the Redwall books. It is really called Deeper'n'Ever Turnip'n'Tater'n'Beetroot Pie The moles ate it, and it was, and is, a favourite recipe in our house and perfect for fall picnics because it is just as good cold as it is fresh out of the oven. For dessert apple pie made with apples from our own tree. The where would be at the rushing river near the Headwaters park close to our home. The sound of the river pushes all the thoughts clear away.

6. Carpentry, electrical, plumbing, landscaping...which skill would you most like to possess and how would you put that skill to use today?

Plumbing for sure. I have a leaky kitchen faucet in both my kitchen and my camper.

7. What's something you think is too expensive to justify buying lately?

This relates to the previous question. The kitchen faucet I want is over 200 dollars and I can't quite choke that down.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I will be sixty in a few days and I can't wait. I think I am going to rock my 60s.


  1. The pie sounds interesting : ) And I think you should definitely rock your sixties!

    1. it is soooo good! Maybe I will post the recipe on my blog one day soon. .

    2. it is soooo good! Maybe I will post the recipe on my blog one day soon. .

  2. Hope you have a happy birthday.

    1. Thank you! I think my husband has invited a bunch of friends to help me celebrate - I am making our Thanksgiving turkey - so good food, good frineds....it will rock!

    2. Thank you! I think my husband has invited a bunch of friends to help me celebrate - I am making our Thanksgiving turkey - so good food, good frineds....it will rock!

  3. Now I would have picked you for a minimum of 7.5 on the patience scale.... You must be almost as scary as me when you're not into the yoga and swimming! I'm a steady 2.... on an average day...
    Actually, I don't think I'm a steady anything at the moment...

    1. I definitely have my 2 days, and sometimes even my 7.5 days. Steady on....as they say.

  4. Happy Rock'in 60!! :-)) I like that.
    Have a great week,
    Thank you for the prayers.
    xx oo

    1. my daughter has started to call me 'bad Mary-Anne' as I head into my sixties. I bought some leopard skin yoga pants - oh my!

  5. Replies
    1. thank you - I love your icon - it remnds me of child's pose in yoga.

  6. Mary-Anne, I have two wonderful songs about flying for you. One is CĂ©line Dion's Vole ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBMTtQflZFI ) about her late niece. The second is Michel Sardou's Je vole, about the letter of suicide a son left to his parents; the song was covered recently in a hit movie, where the lyrics, in this situation, express the way the now grown up heroine (or is it heroin? I'lll never know) is spreading her wings and leaving the nest ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hwQ_nG5HnM ) in the video she is at a big audition, she signs because her whole family but her is deaf.

    1. I will check them both out. Thank you for the suggestions.


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