Well here I am, apparently on a baby garment knitting kick. Next time I get invited to a baby shower I am so ready.
I finished the Elizabeth Zimmerman baby surprise sweater:

and while I was on a roll I finally sewed up the seams and put buttons on the surprise sweater I made a year ago.

and then determined to finish up this Cascade 220 in my stash I made these baby diaper pants:

I checked my Year of Projects' master list and saw I needed a purple baby hat so I cast this on yesterday:

and I am now on Row 27 of my fourth quadrant of the tree of life. I have decided to sew it together and then knit the border onto the blanket, rather than the way it is written which is to make the border separately and then sew it on.
I have been looking for pink Kool-aid crystals to dye my white wool so I can make a pussy hat but it seems that you can't buy the unsweetened crystals in Canada anymore. So I broke down and went to Michael's and got me some Pink Paton's Astra to make one:

The colour is deep pink, but didn't photograph well. It really is pink.
Finally, and most importantly I started my first square of the Iona pattern. This is a new technique to me, and was fiddly to start, but I am really enjoying it. I am going back and forth between magic loop, two circular needles, and dpn's and haven't decided which I like best yet.
Here is my progress so far - 1 square done, 34 to go!

I am almost through my list as far as knitting projects go, so I had better get back to the spinning wheel. The weather has improved to fleece washing and drying should go easier on the back porch.
Have a good week everyone. Spring is truly here. Daffodils and everything.