Year number eight is over and done
50 projects and most of them fun.
I posted every week not missing one
and kept up on the other yoppers' fun.
Two blankets were finished, a crochet and a knit
Quite a feat to make all the squares fit!

Four shawls made this year, one while away
This Hitchhiker made with pride I'd say
Two of the shawls with vintage yarn given to me
and the first with found yarn from a store that was free.
Onto the zodiac, a rat, dog and ox
All made as gifts, wrapped up in a box
Three basket weave dish cloths - one made with a hook
and two little scrubbies to clean up after the cook.
One emerald green sweater was made just for me
and three little ornaments to hang on our tree

Of course dear little grand-daughter received many hand knits
All made from my stash or from magazine kits.
Some soakers, a onesie and a cross over top
A hoodie, some booties, I just couldn't stop.
There was one pair of socks and two pairs of mittens
(did I mention in Croatia I saw lots of kittens?)
A hedgehog, some sheep, and rocky raccoon
and Christmas tree ornaments not a moment too soon.
Elephants and owls and one noel mouse
plus a tape measure cover for my dear daughter's house
A sunflower bookmark to keep one's place
And one more little flower to brighten the space
Of course I knit socks 'cause that's what I do
One pair for me and my dear husband too

Then there were these taxi socks made for my son
I designed them myself, my very first one
One amigurumi monkey, I had planned to do
but he was so cute, I had to make two
I knit and felt slippers, a first time for me
They fit like a glove, so I am happy you see.

This year while dealing with a very sore arm
I couldn't knit for months to save me more harm
Now that diagnosis could have spelled doom
But look, I made curtains for my bedroom!

So that is my wrap up - all done in rhyme
No rest for me, there just isn't time.
Tomorrow Year Nine starts - my list is all done
Things to knit and fibre to be spun!
One more thing I have to shout out loud
As a grandmother I am so very proud.
To catch other wrap up posts go here
These yopping friends of mine are all very dear.
As a grandmother I am so very proud.
To catch other wrap up posts go here
These yopping friends of mine are all very dear.