Well it has been a week. And not in a good way.
On Monday I went for a walk and was about 2 miles away from home when I got a migraine aura. (Insert major curse word here). I called my husband and he came and got me so the next 24 hours were spent medicating and sleeping and lying in a dark room. Fun? Not fun.
On Tuesday I was so fed up with the cough, and lack of sleep that I decided to go get a CoVid test even though none of my doctors had suggested it. It was negative. So that was good.
On the way to the Covid test I got a call from the hospital that they could do a repeat echocardiogram to see how my heart is beating since it has been a year since my last one. They ask me all the questions about CoVid - cough...yes, headache....yes, fatigue....yes, loss of smell or taste....no, but nothing tastes good, loss of appetite....yes. Still no request from them for a CoVid test.
So Wednesday morning I reported to hospital at 7:15am with negative CoVid test in hand (which they didn't seem to care about). So early to be up and out, but at least no traffic despite the heavy rain that morning. I was home by nine and back to bed for a few more hours sleep. I will get the results on Tuesday.
On Thursday I called my GP and mostly cried on the phone to her about how crappy I was feeling. She was sympathetic, but no real answers - just to keep on keeping on.
Yesterday was very bad with the cough from 7am until about 4pm, when I finally fell asleep for a couple of hours. Maybe I am over the hump (which I also said last week), but at least last night I slept from 12:30 until 10 with only a small coughing episode at 7am.
Okay, whine over.
Through it all I have found some solace in knitting. Not a lot, but some. The last clue came out for the Pescatarian Mystery sock and it was a 12 row pattern to be repeated twice on each sock before starting the toe. I would do one repeat a day and then turn to more mindless knitting such as my Scatterby socks, or my Practical Magic Shawl.
Last night I started the toe of the Pescatarian and did, in fact, run out of yarn but not to be deterred I continued so they would be finished. I am quite pleased with them.
I kinda like the speckled toe |
I put off turning the heel of the Scatterby for a couple of days because it required a fish lips kiss heel which I hadn't done for some while. I couldn't bear looking up and reading the pattern, but when I finally got to it I progressed through it quickly and successfully. I am almost finished the leg and ready to start the cuff on the first Scatterby sock.
the fish lips kiss heel does fit beautifully |
I got the Practical Magic scarf/shawl up to starting the garter section. I am going back and forth as to whether I like it or not - but the way my mood is I don't like much these days so I will continue to see if it grows on me.
this might be frogged to become a sock - time will tell |
So that has been my week. Probably one of the lowest mental health wise. I am just so tired of mri's, cat scans, echocardiograms, etc. etc. etc. I am anxiously awaiting my turn for the CoVid vaccine but I think it will be at least another month if not longer for my turn to come up. I actually qualify for getting ahead of my age group for medical reasons, but I have so many doctors I don't know who is responsible for reporting my situation to the government. I do have a call into my GP for tomorrow to discuss this with her.
I feel like all I am is an unwell person. I feel like all I will be remembered for by friends and family are my health complaints. I am just so tired of it all.
On a more positive note a friend had a baby last Monday, a beautiful baby boy, and I went into my cedar chest and pulled out a baby blanket and sweater for him and dropped them off at her door on Tuesday. She was very appreciative and I felt good about that.
This week, and especially last night I was thinking a lot about how sock knitting is my salvation. Despite how rotten I feel everyday I put on a snazzy pair of handknit socks - and after more than a year of living in my jeans and t-shirts - at least I can look at my feet and see some colour and fashion!
I also was thinking last night that even though I feel like I am not accomplishing much, or being very creative or helpful I can always turn the heel on a sock. Sock knitting has always seemed more than magical to me - almost the philosophers' stone - turning something beautiful and useful from a ball of string.
I wrote about the magic of sock knitting years ago. You can read my musings
I haven't been very present for either of my kids, or my husband, or my friends this past few weeks. I just don't have the energy. I am so glad they are not letting me slip away but checking in and cheering me on daily.
My daughter recently regaled us with stories of my grand-daughter delighting in a giant puddle she found on their trip to the big city. Apparently on-lookers were quite horrified my daughter and son-in-law allowed her the freedom to splash and carry on to her heart's content. They are terrific parents.
Wishing for all of us to find a moment of unapologetic joy in the coming weeks.
taken on my Friday walk |
and my Amaryllis is re-blooming - so there is that. |