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A quick update on my projects:
Wee Toddler Gansey - I have finished the back, and have started the front. I am straying from the pattern and have decided to make the front and back motifs different. That is all well and good except when I started the back after separating for the arm holes I mistakenly was using the front motif. I spent a couple of hours laddering down 10 rows of 17 stitches to correct my mistake. oops.
Lento Cowl - Keeping up with my five rows a day. I am enjoying this knit very much, and will post pictures once it is done and blocked - which will probably be Easter Sunday.
New Cast On - My dear friend FitznStarts on Ravelry asked me to do a testknit for her. It is a very interesting construction, and had a cool cast on. It took me all morning on Saturday to pick the two colours as the pattern will look best with a self striping yarn, but I didn't have one, so I am striping my own - yes there will be many ends to sew in. Last night I started the heel. The contruction looks similar to Pole Dance with a bias toe like Tipsy Toe, both of which I have made so it should be fun (challenging). It had a cool provisional cast on that you undo once the cuff is complete. It took me two tries to get the cast on correct as the first time I didn't have enough stitches after the first few rows. Second time it all worked out, but was awkward with using magic loop. For the second sock I will use my trusty nine inch circulars for the cuff.
That's it on the knitting front. Now onto the whining.
My car is in the shop for a MAJOR and EXPENSIVE repair. It is annoying but I couldn't face not repairing it and having to look for a new-to-me car so it is what it is We hope to get it back sometime next week.
Then two days ago while bird watching at the pond by the beach my husband noticed that one of the tie-downs on our camper had rusted through and was not holding the camper on properly. We drove it home very slowly, and now it sits in the driveway while we await the part (under warranty) to be shipped to us. Therefore we are home without any working vehicles and cabin fever is setting in. It has been very rainy since all this transpired so walking isn't on the top of my list - but I need milk so I will venture out today.
Then I spent another hour this morning on the phone with our internet/cable supplier - the third long call in the last couple of weeks trying to sort out our service and the billing. I think it is sorted now, but time will tell.
So, to sum up - this week I am not enjoying being a grown-up. Just sayin!
However, I did get a lovely long walk on Thursday with a dear friend and her two dogs that ended with a nice lunch and latte outdoors afterwards. Since Thursday was such a lovely day in the late afternoon my husband and I went to the beach and I was in awe of the number of different kinds of ducks in the pond; wigeons, mergansers, ring-necked. wood and of course mallards. There were also some very large turtles sunning themselves as well. Despite discovering the aforementioned tie-down issue it was a very cool outing.
American Wigeons |
Wood Duck |
Ring-Necked |
Momma Wigeon |
Very big turtle |
Last Sunday I saw this breeding pair of Wood Ducks |
Today after I brave the rain and buy some milk for my afternoon tea I will continue to knit (I heard the term procrastiknitting this past week - and hooboy is that me).
I could clean the pantry shelves, or wash the kitchen floor, or vacuum and perhaps I will do some or all of those things, but first I have to get out of my jammies, wash my face, brush my teeth and get on with the day one way or another.
Did I mention 'adulting' is for the birds.