Sunday, April 10, 2022

Yopping Update #41 - Third time is a charm

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Remember this?

Well I turned the heel and did the short row toe... and then all hell broke loose!  It was a test knit, but I could not for the life of me figure out what the designer wanted or how to get the stitch count to work as I started up the front of the foot.  I puzzled and puzzled and looked at other test knitters' notes and then I did the only sensible thing - I frogged it right back to the cuff.  I did like the cuff as it was done with a cool provisional cast on that you then take out once the cuff is finished.  My friend sent me a different test knit and I thought I could use the cuff I had and continue on with the mosaic pattern.  I don't know - it just wasn't speaking to me so I ripped out the provisional cuff and started a basic 1x1 ribbed cuff.  After finishing the cuff it went into time out because I really liked how the two colours were working in the now frogged sock and I didn't think the mosaic was going to show it the same way.  FitznStarts had a design that was made with knit and purls but if I did it stranded I think my colours will show.    So, I ripped out the cuff and started over yet again last night.  The pattern suggested the Chinese Waitress cast-on which I have never done before so I took on the challenge.  I like the look of the cast-on and it is very stretchy so today I will start the stranded work. 

Most of the week I was working on the wee gansey.  It has shoulder flaps, which I had never done before and it took me a while to wrap my head around the instructions.  It is on the blocking mat and then I have to find some snaps for the flaps.  I'll keep you posted.  (also when I washed this it smells like a wet sheep!)

I have been doing my five rows a day on the Lento Cowl.  This week there were some cool new stitches to learn.  The leaf stitch and the star stitch.  

Last 8 days or so worth of work

Leaf stitch

Star Stitch

Other than my crafting I have been duck watching a couple of days at the pond and I saw two fledging baby hummingbirds in the nest.  I took a video but it is quite blurry.  Still I am happy I got to see them.  I have been back to the nest twice since then and it is empty so perhaps they are out on their own now. I did get this cute video of two mallards drying their tail feathers. 

We get our car back tomorrow and we received the replacement part for our truck/camper so hopefully next week both vehicles will be on the road safely again.  I spent yesterday sorting out the inside of the camper and it really made me feel like I would like to get out in it again soon.  

This morning I woke up to quite the racket under our bedroom window.  There were three VERY large raccoons banging on the window where my cat was sitting on the inside ledge.  I shooed them away with my stern teacher voice and one headed into the front yard, but the other two headed into the back yard and climbed two of our cedar trees.  Too much excitement before I had even had my coffee!

I think that is it for my week.  I did order a new pair of bluetooth earbuds because I thought mine were broken.  It turned out mine weren't broken (oops) but the new ones fit better for when I am out walking so all in all it worked out.  

One more week of Lent and then I will be back checking out my friends and relatives on facebook and instagram.  Oh, and next sunday there will be chocolate!

I wish this little one was here to search Easter eggs next week.  

Have a good week all - see you on Easter Sunday!


  1. You learned so many new techniques this past week. That lento cowl is just gorgeous. All those colors together make me happy. Sorry tobhear about the test knit going belly up. Hopefully the designer will redo the pattern so us common folk can knit it. Have a lovely Easter.

  2. Chinese Waitress is my go to cast-on for everything. Love the colors of your cowl. Love your nature photos.

  3. I think I would have given up on the sock pattern! To be fair, I probably wouldn't even have started it lol

  4. Oh my, she looks so grown up!
    And it sounds as though lots of deciphering of instructions has happened this week!


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