This week was all about the socks. I spun this corriedale 3ply yarn during Tour de Fleece and I knew because of the long colour changes that it would suit socks better than going into my homespun shawl. So here they are - TA-DA!

The rest of the week I did some spinning - 40 gms - which I will show next week once it is plyed and I did six more squares on my sock yarn blanket - only 75 squares left to go!
I added to my homespun shawl with my latest spinning so I am now up to row 72 out of the 98 rows of the pattern.

I started the mosaic work on my Six Tastes socks - I have to concentrate as I start each row to remember which colour I am knitting with and which colour I am slipping, but I do love the effect, and the colours I have chosen.

Last, but definitely not least, I celebrated our 39th wedding anniversary yesterday with my dh and our best man. A lovely evening of great food and topped off by watching the Celebration of Light firework display the city was nice to put on for us.
So, I am yopping along and now I have to go read all the other progress posts this week.
If you want to do the same, and you are a Ravelry member then go here.