Monday, November 27, 2017

One of a Kind

Today's excerpt:

She suddenly thought about her grand nieces and nephews and her honourary grand-daughters.  She had recently come across a crocheted or knitted pattern for little dolls that would fit into a little hand or pocket. 

She headed into her craft room and found a basket of small balls of remnant yarn, and took the correct sized needles out of the drawer. 

She settled on the couch, pulled the afghan around her and started to plan the colours for the first little doll.  She decided to try the crocheted one first, and headed back to get the correct sized crochet needle.

She lit a firelog, and turned on the television.  She tuned into a doctor drama she would watch occasionally, turned up the light beside her, found her glasses and proceeded to learn something new.

She thought of the little one she was knitting for.  She had red curly hair and liked to wear pink.  She also loved striped things, so she busied herself knitting a doll that would look like a mini-me to her grand-niece. After an hour she had it stuffed and sewn up.  She was pleased with the result and started a second for her grand-nephew. 

It was getting dark outside, and probably time for supper but she kept knitting and crocheting, alternating between patterns with each doll she made.

By bedtime she had three little dolls sitting on the coffee table looking up at her expectantly.

Black Friday, or not, it had been a good day, and the three little faces were proof that you could make something out of almost nothing and not have to spend a thing to do it.  No-one could have bought these on Black Friday. They were one of a kind.  Just like her grand nieces and nephews were one of a kind.

Just as she was.

One. Of. A. Kind.  

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