Monday, July 23, 2018

Yopping Update #3 - Wait. What?

Here is a picture of me last a week ago yesterday in the ferry lineup.

The important thing about this picture is that this is the only time and place in the last week that I did any knitting.  I knit about six inches on the sleeve in the lineup to and on the ferry.. 



Yup, that's right.  I was teaching three courses a day from Monday to Friday and when you throw in prep time I was putting in 13 hours days.  I would get home, eat dinner, have a bath and go to bed.

Here I am last Friday before my last two classes.

It all went very well and I am happy to report that after all the evaluations I can confidently state "They like me.  They really really like me."  (You have to read that line in Sally Field's voice.)

Not wanting to leave the high of teaching and face a three or more hour ferry wait I went to visit my brother and his significant other on Friday evening for dinner and a visit to the sand sculpture competition in Parksville. 

My favourite was called family: (We had a pet iguana at home while I was growing up)

and this one called 'children are a handful' I sent to my daughter who is expecting her first in December.

I made it to my sister's little island early saturday morning and what with the market, the grocery store, and a LONG nap I didn't do any knitting at all. 

Wait.  What?

Yup.  All true. 

During my courses the class was asked to come up with a motto for each grade from 1 - 8. 

Wait. What?  was the motto for grade seven. 

It caused gales of laughter and has been my go-to  line for the last few days.  I am sure I will grow up and get past it sometime soon.  (not).

So, next week I promise I will have knitting and spinning to show you, probably a finished sweater, and I am currently unraveling a partially finished crochet garment I found at the Free Store made with a gorgeous mohair blend that I will make into a Prairie shawl. 

Stay tuned. 

To follow other Yoppers (who are probably much more prolific than I am this past week) go here. 


  1. Sometimes things don't go to plan but sounds like you had a good teaching week.

  2. six inches is a long ferry wait.

    So glad your classes went well and they 'really, really like you'. Always makes you feel like all that hard work was worth it.

    Your family time sounds nice and relaxing. I love those sand sculptures.

    1. The wait was only an hour, but then the ferry ride itself it 95 minutes so that is how I managed the six inches - and it was a sleeve so not that many stitches.

  3. So what are you teaching? And to kids? Six inches done on a sleeve in a line up is a long time to have! Wowza. Glad you had success. Keep basking in it.

    1. I was teaching adults - botany, geography/history and classroom management. It was at a teacher training institute.

  4. Fun post, Mary-Anne. I think the 7th grade's motto is hilarious. And it's so... 7th grade. lol Glad you had a great week teaching. I'd love to hear more specifically about your teaching, too.

    1. Yay the motto is funny - my sister and I used it alot the week I was with her. always got a laugh.

  5. Great motto! Don't grow out of it, it's lovely. I'm so glad the teaching went well and you got to see your family.

    1. Thank you - I love spending time with my sister.

  6. The sand sculptures look great Mary-Anne, I loved seeing those and it sounds like even though you didn't knit you had a great week and I loved hearing about it just the same!

    1. I don't know how those artists make those amazing things out of sand. true talent for sure.

  7. Wait. What? Hardly any knitting? Ah well, you obviously had a great time, and those sand sculptures are so great!

    1. I know right? it was shocking to knit so little in a week. I have more than made up for it since getting home.

  8. Sounds like you had a great week! It's all about balance and you seem to have that under control. Wait. What?

    1. Me balanced? hahaha - I am a Libra but usually very tipped to one side of the balance or the other.

  9. Of course they loved you! How could they not?


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