Sunday, May 24, 2020

Yopping Update #47 - Are we having fun yet?

Is this the fun part?   Answer at the bottom of this post.

Although I won't post until tomorrow (Sunday), I am writing this today (Saturday).  With me so far?

I have a headache.  I couldn't sleep last night - I finally fell asleep around 2:30am and slept fitfully until 7:30.  After feeding the cat, having some coffee and taking my pills I slept again fitfully until about 9:30.  So I am up now.  Dishes done, laundry in process, and a heel to turn on these socks I started a couple of days ago.

leftovers put to good use with wide stripes
I finished my Lady of the Lake jacket and I am very, very happy with it.

it is very warm and cozy

Today the next square of Wrapped in Jamie CAL comes out, which is good because once these socks are off the needles I don't have anything else of the go.  I might make the lady viking, or start on my nativity scene.  My spinning wheel is also glaring at me and feeling neglected.

finish first - then look for another project

I know I have much to be grateful for, but today I just want to whine (or whinge if you are in the UK).

Some business are opening up here - we are in phase 2, and phase 3 starts on June 1.  This is when campgrounds are suppose to open, but our province and the one next door where my son lives are only allowing camping to residents of that province so we probably won't be able to camp near him.  Although he is saying that perhaps he can come to us and work remotely from our house.  Time will tell.  He also said that if we go there and pick him up - he is a resident so perhaps they will let us camp together.  I don't want to ignore the rules, but I do so want to see him since seeing our daughter seems to be sooooooo far into the future.

I have got out for a couple of walks in my neighbourhood and there is a duck pond at the end of my street.

and irises

which meant I earned this medal over a few days of walking:

I did get a new mask from my sister:
Covid hair - don't care

Now to the not having fun part of the post. 

I am not sure where my warrior in me has gone. I hope she is sleeping, because after two nights of shitty sleep I am headachy and just sad.  Arm sore (rotator cuff), hip sore (who knows why), heart beating,( but not as well as it should) and because of CoVid who knows when I will get the heart MRI I need to have. I am tired and cranky and sad. I hope when hubby wakes up from his nap we will walk down to pond and see the baby ducks. Maybe then my warrior will return. I think she just needs a rest. She has been doing pretty well since March 3rd. That is when I stopped going to the pool and outdoor beaches because the virus was ramping up.  By March 17th everything was shut down.  And here we are - ten weeks later.
Sigh. So, Mary-Anne what are you going to do now? Today? I will do some knitting, some crying, and then go gently wake up that warrior in me. I miss her.

Sunday morning update:

We did go for a quiet walk in the forest and saw the baby ducks.  I still have a headache, but I can feel the warrior is stirring.  

Be calm.  Be kind.  Be safe.  

someone has a new ride-on toy


  1. Gosh, I wish I could take your headache away with my words. How horrible. In the 45 years we have been married, hubby has had ONE headache! Not fair, right?

    Your Lady of the Lake sweater is perfect. The color is spot on for the name. Those socks won't take much longer now.

    Your grand is so cute with her little pony tail. Much cuter than the ducks.

    Hope your warrior self arises soon

  2. I'm sorry you're struggling with a headache again, Mary-Anne. I will admit, I've grown sad this past week over all this social distancing business. I knew it was likely to happen when things begain opening up and we remained "distanced", but the reality of the sadness has kind of surprised me. I won't enumerate here the ways it's affecting me, but I'm with you. My warrior (or probably just my content self) has become elusive. On a happier note, I love your Lady of the Lake Jacket, your Medal, your new mask, and the picture of your sweetheart granddaughter. :)

  3. I'm sure you know that at times like these it's ok not to be ok. Keeping our chins up when facing such a difficult situation is hard work! Hard work is tiring. It's stressful. Not surprising you have headaches and fitful sleep. Sometimes it's just too hard to keep your brave face on. It's ok to have a cry and feel sorry for yourself at times. But then look back over your photos and videos of that cute granddaughter and hopefully feel a bit better. Take care :)

  4. Oh, that must be horrible. I never get headaches unless there is a storm coming. I have a weather station in my head evidently! Could it possible be your eyes and maybe too much closeup work? Just a thought. Your sweater turned out great and it looks so nice on you!
    I hope you get to see your son and go camping. Your granddaughter is evidently not letting the 'lockdown' stop her! LOL!

  5. Sometimes we just have to give ourselves a break. Just let the feels happen and come out on the other end of it. I hope the upcoming week is better for you...and I know about shitty sleep.

  6. Even warriors need time to reset and restore, so don’t beat yourself up. I hope your headaches sort themselves out. Your jacket turned out to be even better than I’d anticipated, very flattering, looks great and wasn’t the yarn a bargain.

  7. I'm so sorry you are struggling. I guess everyone has a different way of dealing with this and different journeys. Your warrior will return, just be good to her.
    Your jacket is fab, what a wonderful colour?


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