Oh my, it is getting late, so I had better get this blog post on its way. Not sure where the whole day went - puzzling with my son, opening advent mitts with my grand-daughter, walking, dishes, playing wordscapes....and now it is five pm and sooooo dark outside. Thank goodness dh is making a roast ham supper. I am famished.
I decided to frog the Kangaroo Momma and put it in hibernation. She was much bigger than I thought and I wasn't having any fun, so perhaps in the future I will just make the Joey.
On December 1 I got the first clue for the Advent Gnome knit-a-long. We have had three clues already and I have so far knit a beard, a nose and most of a hat! I can't post any pictures because it is a mystery knit along.
On Monday (or was it Tuesday) my Knitpick order arrived so I could pick up the Havana once again. I finished the last few rows of pattern 5 and then started on pattern 6. I was hemming and hawing over the colour choice for the last two patterns and decided to switch the orange for the yellow.
I was happy with the switch but then last night when it was time to start pattern seven I started with the orange and I HATED how it was against the lilac....so I went to my stash and found a lighter yellow and a lighter orange and started rows of crochet to see what I thought. In the end I went with the paler yellow - the oranges just weren't cutting it with the purples. So I will finish pattern seven sometime in the upcoming week and then I can start the border. I am going to do a double border so there won't be ALL those ends to weave in - could you even imagine weaving all these ends in? Nope. Me neither.
So that was my crafting week.
My cough is getting better and I did get outside for walks everyday except yesterday when I chose to use my energy to rake up three compost bins worth of maple and cedar leaves. I am glad I did that yesterday in the glorious sun because today it is raining and it is suppose to continue raining for days to come. Hopefully the raingear I ordered will arrive soon so I can continue my outdoor walks without returning looking like a drenched rat.
I FINISHED my virtual Camino de Santiago on Thursday - 481 miles. I have been walking on that since May 27, 2020. I then immediately joined the Iceland Ring Road which is 828 miles. I figure that will take me a year at the rate I walk, but it is fun getting the updates of where I am and what I would be seeing if I was truly there. Two friends are doing the Ring Road as well so we can cheer each other on.
We have been having daily video chats with my daughter and grand-daughter as we open up the advent knits I made last year. So far a snowman, two sweaters, a poinsettia, a mouse and a lamb have been opened and are hanging on the mantle strung between the lights. It is a lovely tradition we have started.
This morning we even got my son into the call
grand-daughter was having none of it |
So that is my week. I have to get my son's parcel into the mail this week. He was going to drive down for Christmas but the cases in his province and ours are nowhere near under control so we have decided to stay safe and we will celebrate Christmas over zoom, or whatsapp, or skype - or perhaps all three (not at the same time).
Here's crossing fingers and toes that the vaccine is available soon and as I told my daughter as soon as it is safe to travel we will be heading to Croatia - with bells on!
Can you see the wee pink flower I discovered on my walk a couple of days ago. Hope does indeed spring eternal.
Take care everyone. That is an order from this Canadian bossy boots!