I'm bacckkk!
It is late Sunday afternoon and I have a window of time to write this post. Last Sunday we left at noon to go camping, and it was an amazing five days. The campground was quiet, the lake was gorgeous for swimming and we had excellent meals. The weather was warm during the days, but cooled nicely in the evening. Our campground was on the shady side so we could relax there if the beach was too hot.
master chef at work |
master relaxer |
Our daughter and her family were never far from our thoughts as our beach towels can attest.
selfie in front of smokey lake
The first day my son and I did a 4km hike that involved scrabbling over big rocks in some places. It was tiring, but I felt so good knowing I could manage the distance and difficulty. The next day I swam a mile in the glacier cold lake. It took me just over an hour and I was glad the sun was nice and hot when I got out so I could warm up! Where is the hot tub when you need it?
On Thursday my son went for a 15km hike and I stayed in the campsite and swam a half mile later in the afternoon.
My husband got his solar panels working so we could recharge our batteries a couple of times during the week since the campground did not have electricity.
We woke up Friday morning, the day we were leaving, and the sky was very smokey. We headed home hoping that there was not a forest fire between home and the campsite. There wasn't, but as we got closer and closer to home the smokey skies got worse and the heat was intense. So, yes, we arrived home just as our hometown was in an extreme heatwave, with smokey skies from the fires to the south and east of us.
Thankfully today is a bit cooler and the skies not as smokey.
I already swam at the pool this morning for forty-five minutes, and then my son and I went birding for two hours. After a yummy Thai lunch he is napping, and I am relaxing on the back porch. Hubby is reading blogs on his computer. It is a nice quiet afternoon, and we bought some fresh salmon to bbq for supper.
Can you tell we are having a wonderful visit with our son? Oh, yes we are!
I did manage to do a wee bit of knitting in the campsite and turned one heel successfully, totally messed up the second heel, tinked back the second heel as the campground was getting darker and darker, and then last night re-knit the second heel as I sat on the back porch racing to finish before it was too dark to see.
So, I actually knit three fish lip kiss heels for one pair of socks!
If it cools down enough I should get to start the foot of the socks tonight. It is hard to knit when my hands are sweaty holding the needles and then the wool doesn't slide easily. I know, I know - first world problem.
The weather app is predicting rain tomorrow. That will be a nice change for sure.
I bought a new plant for my back porch today,
Silverweed |
and my son bought me an air plant which will be sitting on my kitchen window sill after it posed for the picture below.
The big deal about these plants is that this is the first time I have gone into a garden store since the pandemic began. Baby steps to re-integrate into the world now I have my two vaccines. I take it as a huge win, as was going into a grocery store for a big shop in person to get all the supplies for our camping trip. I felt so brave and proud of myself.
I will leave you with a picture that came up on my fb memories. This is my aunt on her 100th birthday five years ago posing with one of my cousins. My aunt is wearing the shawl I knit for her. She was a grand, grand lady, and I miss her so much.
Until next week - hope you are all well and finding your own reasons to be proud of yourself.