Sunday, December 19, 2021

Yopping Update #25 - KALing along

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Quick update today. 

My two KALs are going strong - I can't wait to show you my two advent gnomes...but not yet. 

The gansey scarf KAL is heading towards the finish line - 

Meanwhile I have been plugging away on my Sarah Scott socks from Kate Davies' Bluestockings collection. 

Not one to leave well enough alone I started a project that was in the latest Simply Knitting Magazine.  It won't be done for this Christmas but I always wanted a Christmas Tree Skirt and this one seemed to speak to me. 

Gnomes! (Or Swedish Tomte)

The colourwork is all done with swiss darning after the sections are made.  I tried to do it fairisle so as not to swiss darn, but it looked messy, so I frogged back and will stick with the designers suggestion.  I think I have enough white, red and green in Brava sport to get it done.  If not, oh my, I will have to make another KnitPick order.  Such a shame. 

I have been able to get out for a walk everyday (except yesterday when I just couldn't seem to get out of my pajamas until 6pm).  Today was pretty icy, but also a beautiful sunny day with snow on the local mountains. 

The Lions, or The Two Sisters

This morning a little hummingbird was at the feeder and she let me get very close.  I was checking to make sure the nectar hadn't frozen and she allowed me to get a few good pictures.  

I lit the fourth candle of Advent this morning.  Later today I will set up my nativity scenes and put up the lights on the living room window.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and happy Winter Solstice.  Can't wait for December 22nd when the days start getting longer again!


  1. WOW, still have a hummingbird. Your colorwork socks look great. Very fun. I think a Christmas tree skirt is a great idea - hmmm, maybe that can be my advent calendar project??

  2. Your scarf is looking great. It will be nice to keep you warm on your walks. I really like the socks. The colorwork cuffs are so pretty. Your tree skirt is going to be so sweet. I have never heard of that type of Swiss darning before. It will be fun to watch you make it. Beautiful mountains. We had snow in our mountains this past week. But the snow level did not drop far enough for it to land on the ones by me. Darn it. That hummingbird must have known you were not going to harm it. Those are some great pictures you got of it. It was so nice to see the 4th advent candle lit at Mass yesterday. As I kid I didn't think we would ever get to the 4th week of Advent. Now, it flies by. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  3. Wow, all of ypur projects look amazing! The skirt, socks and scarf are coming along nicely and are all equally charming. I can't wait to meet the gnomes.

  4. Oh I had to laugh at you planning another project when you still seem to have so many on the go and your comment about maybe needing to do another yarn order. Those photos of the hummingbird are lovely. Happy Christmas!

  5. Your projects are always delightful but that tree skirt is going to be amazing.

    Your advent wreath is so lovely too. Hope you had an amazing solstice and Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  6. I took about 500 photos of hummingbirds in Washington state and none were as clear as yours. How lovely to get so close and be trusted. I love that tree skirt you’ll be making. They aren’t a thing here, but I don’t suppose that should stop me making one one day. One with cute gnomes on is tempting. Your gansey is lovely.


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