Sunday, December 26, 2021

Yopping Update #26 - Going for 21 in '21

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Happy Boxing Day!  This will be a quick post because I have a deadline to meet.  More on that later. 

I finished my Gansey KAL scarf, but it isn't blocked because my son is here and sleeping on the bed that I usually spread my blocking mats on - so no pictures of the full scarf until the New Year. 

Can you see the last motif?  2021

My Gnombleberry and Gnewt gnomes are finished but no pictures until the designer gives us the go- ahead.  This was my favourite gnome KAL ever, and you will agree once I post the finished projects. 

I finished my Sarah Scott Socks.

These were my 20th pair of socks in the year 2021.  My dear friend Cait suggested I go for 21 pairs in the year 2021.  So, of course, I took up the challenge. This is why this post will be short - I have less than a week to get these socks finished. 

SPIDER socks
I have the leg done on both socks and have turned the heel and picked up the gusset on one.  I am loving this knit, I am making the heels/toes/cuff in gray to make sure I have enough of the red for the leg and foot.  

The gnome tree-skirt is on hold for the time being.  These socks need all my attention.  

It started to snow on Christmas Eve, and by Christmas morning  I was living in a winter wonderland.  The temperatures have dropped to -7 Celcius so the snow on the trees and bushes is truly magical.  

My son and I went for a snowy bird walk this afternoon and we saw two varied thrushes, a towie, a hummingbird and a raven.  It was such a treat.  

When I got home I realized it was Sunday so I am getting my post done before I settle in to continue my spider socks.  

I hope, dear readers that wherever you are (and whatever weather you have) you are surrounded by peace, health, and love. 

Christmas Morning


  1. Oh goodness, for some reason I thought today’s post was going to show the gnomes, I’m so excited to see them...I must learn to be patient. 21 pairs of socks in a year would be a fantastic achievement but so is 20 plus all the other projects you’ve worked on.

  2. WOW!! Getting 8 pairs done this year was a major accomplishment this year and my goal of 12 next year feels very aggressive. Congrats on 21 in '21. You are amazing. What beautiful Christmas snow. We set a new record for how hot it was in Cincinnati, 20C!!!

  3. Love the newly finished Scott socks! The walk along the snowy path looks lovely and so do you in that son and mom pic. Best of the season to you and your family, Mary-Anne.

  4. Oh it looks magical there - we just have rain! Your projects are wonderful - I love the gansey scarf and the 20th pair of socks. So looking forward to seeing your gnomes and the 21st pair! Have a great week.

    First, your Christmas snow is MAGICAL. Truly the stuff of dreams come true!

    You have had a tremendously prolific knitting year! 21 pairs of socks, MULTIPLE Ganseys, gnomes, OTHER PROJECTS! And you wrote a book too!

    Enjoy this week with your son!

  6. Looking forward to seeing the gnomes. I have a feeling you will meet your sock deadline with a day or two to spare. What a lovely photo of the snow covered trees. But the photo of you and your son is even lovelier.


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