Sunday, January 2, 2022

Yopping Update #27 - Introducing Gnombleberries and Gnewts

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Happy New Year dear Readers!   

I did make the goal of 21 pairs of socks in 2021.  I finished these on December 30th.

and all ends sewn in too!

I was a full 24 hours with nothing on my needles!  I started a pair of gansey wrist warmers with left over Frangipani - one almost done.

leftovers from my three 2021 ganseys

I plan to start planning my newest gansey today or tomorrow or sometime this month.  And of course because it is January I do have to start my two January gnomes.  My goal is to knit 24 little gnomes over the year with numbers from 1 - 24 on their tummies for another advent calendar.

Speaking of Gnomes I present my two Advent Gnome knits.  There are actually four gnomes because each Gnombleberry has a Gnewt in its backpack. 

Pack to pack....back to back 

Yes, we had a very white Christmas

visiting the baby Jesus

It was unseasonably cold here Christmas week - getting down to -12 during the day so we had to rig up some heat for our resident Anna's hummingbirds. 

The icicles are amazing this year on our eaves. 

And for the first time I can remember in 40 years the duck pond froze over solid enough for ice skaters and hockey players to skate on it. 

We went down to the beach one day and watched the ducks, and then my son noticed all these herons sitting in the trees. 

Here is one of the seven we saw in three different trees

Of course there were lots of video chats with our daughter and her family.  

Christmas Eve "Visions of sugarplums danced in her head"

Someone's 3rd birthday!

It is warmer today - actually above freezing and all the icicles have melted. 2022 begins.  May it bring us all peace and health and please, please, please an end to this virus.  

Stay safe, stay calm and Knit On is my motto for this coming year. Maybe some crochet too.  And some watercolour paintings.

Oh, and (my husband adds for me) to stop being so stubborn).

Who me?


  1. Your watercolors are beautiful so I hope you will share any 2022 paintings. I adore the idea of making 24 gnomes for an advent calendar. WOW - congrats on making 21 pairs of socks. That is simply amazing to me since also knit so many other things. Continued success and good health in 2022.

  2. Your gnomes are so cute. I really like the backpacks carrying the wee ones. The idea of a gnome advent calendar is brilliant. I, for one, will enjoy watching that being made. Herons are such a big bird I had no idea they went into trees. I knew they flew but never thought about where they rested. I can not believe you little Grand daughter is 3. Goodness, next thing you know she will be dating!!!!

  3. 3rd birthday!!! Where has the time gone!?
    I love your socks and gnomes!

  4. I find it hard to believe you went 24 hours without anything on your needles! lol. I like your motto. I hope you stay healthy too. Happy New Year.

  5. Your gnomes are adorable! Carrying their little gnome babies on their backs. LOL That's terrific. And 21 pairs of socks is pretty terrific, too. Impressive in a year's time, especially since your hands are busy doing other things too. Happy New Year, Mary-Anne!

  6. Gansey wrist are so talented you don't even need patterns. You should write your own patterns. 3 years old? She was just a baby the other day...I suppose she's even wearing big girl pants too? They grow up so fast. I remember when you were waiting for her to be born and now look....3 years old. Wish her a big happy birthday! 12 pairs of socks in one year? I only manage about 1 pair every 3! Hummingbirds in the freezing cold? How do they survive? Why don't they go south like the rest of them? I need to look them up...amazing! Take care and I wish you and your family the best this New Year has to offer.

    1. Not sure why the Anna hummingbirds don't migrate - I think it might be because so many of us have feeders out year round. Silly things - I am sure the -12 degrees celcius made them rethink their decision to stay this year.

  7. LOVE your gnomes! Are you participating in the year long KAL? I’m considering doing a few months. There are a few more gnomes I would like to make. Awesome job on the sock knitting. I’d like to knit 12 pairs this year.

    1. Yes I am knitting two wee gnomes a month each numbered from 1 - 24 for next Advent.

  8. Oh my, a 3rd birthday! Gosh I really hope 2022 brings you a chance to cuddle her. Those gnomes are super super cute, I chuckled to myself that they visited the nativity. Congratulations on 21 pairs of socks. Those alone would have been a good year, never mind everything else you achieved in 2021.

  9. I like your gnomes, they are so cute! But why did the herons sit in trees?

    1. Herons nest in trees, but it wasn't nesting season - I think it was so cold that day they were in the trees in the sunshine where it was warmer.

  10. Love your gnomes and gnewts (and the burro) Yes, may this pandemic get beaten back to a manageable seasonal malady! Your grandbaby is sprouting and I hope you get back to her this year.


I look forward to reading the comments. It makes me feel like I am not just posting into the void.