Sunday, January 30, 2022

Yopping Update #31 - Fighting dragons - literally and figuratively

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Well it has been a week.  

I started Tahesha the Dragon on my gansey, and although it is slow going, and there has been some tinking back, and some math complications, I am happy to have got to row 25.  Only 73 more to go!

my first ever icord cables with provisional cast-on

My gansey is taking all my knitting time these days. 

I have done a wee bit of spinning, but nothing much to show for it, however my beekeeping combs are working well for combing out the locks before spinning.  

Speaking of these days, I had quite a sharp dip in my mental health earlier in the week, but by Friday I was slowly pulling up and out.  Depression and anxiety are the two dragons I battle almost daily.  Today I feel like I might be winning.  Yesterday was a good day from start to finish which is stupendous for me. 

I did a fair bit of retail therapy again this week.  I did order a knitting belt and some long dpns.  I am looking forward to trying them.  Knitting my gansey on two circs (2.25mm) does cramp up my hands a bit and knitting belts are suppose to help alleviate such things.  We shall see.  It is always fun to try new things (I keep telling myself). 

I ordered a new scale for weighing my projects.  The one I have is very old and sometimes turns on, and sometimes doesn't, and sometimes turns on and then promptly turns off.  I am relegating it to the kitchen as hubby often wants to borrow my scale when he is cooking so he can deal with the on/off issues and I won't be worrying the scale I am using is covered with flour, or something sticky. 

I also order four skeins of hemp to make some more doubleknitted kitchen pot-holders.  I am going to make another KnitPicks order as soon as white Brava Sport is back in stock.  I decided my tree skirt will be red and white so I need more of each colour, and also I will throw in more sock yarn just because (and to get the free shipping).

On Friday an antique popped up on facebook marketplace and, well, to make a long story short - look what I brought home yesterday. 




top - opened

It is a sewing machine case for a treadle Singer sewing machine.  It is over 100 years old and, well, it was love at first sight.  I have my Mum's Singer and I think it will fit in there, but for now I am using it to store spinning supplies.

I reorganized my knitting magazines the other day, and culled a few to give away.  I also donated some sock needles and sock pattern books to a one room school north of here.  My friend teaches there and her students want to learn to knit socks. 

So despite all my buying, I am also trying to keep decluttering too and anyways now I have new furniture in my craft room I have to make sure things all have a place!

I did get out on Tuesday for a very long bird walk.  I manage 9 km, which meant that the next day with a short 2.5 km walk I finally finished this:


Now any kilometers I log go towards my next challenge of walking the distance of the Kruger Safari Park in Africa.  These Conqueror Challenges keep me motivated and the medals you receive are pretty awesome.  I will post a picture when the Ring Road medal arrives. 

It is rainy here today - the first in a while, and we are expecting snow later tonight or tomorrow.  We have all our groceries in as of yesterday, and there is firewood in the carport so I suspect today I will be nestled on the couch, watching 'The Good Place', and wrestling with a dragon or too. 

I hope, dear readers, you will tame whatever dragons you are wrestling with these days. 

These days are not easy, but they are the days we have and I am working hard at being grateful for all I do have.

Like this:

spring daffodils
And these:

six wooden bird buttons that came with my knitting magazine

And of course, this:


  1. That sewing machine cabinet is awesome. What a fabulous find. I was chuckling reading about giving your hubby the temperamental scale. Wonder how long it will be before he gets a new one too. I find retail therapy always helps my moody days. Congrats on your new medal and the start of a new walk. Your grand daughter is so precious.

  2. Your new cabinet is so beautiful No wonder it was love at first sight. Looks like it's in fantastic condition. Love the patterns in your gansey.

  3. Your gansey is really coming along great! The sewing machine case is gorgeous. I have my grandmother’s treadle singer in case that I want to refurbish. I should add it to my yop list!

  4. Your gansey is looking really great - wonderful progress. What a great find in your new cabinet. Those little details are beautiful. Jealous of your daffodils. We have been COLD here - and more single digit to zero degree temps are predicted this week so I'm ready for spring!

  5. What a great deal on the cabinet! Congrats on that buy of the day! Glad you are fighting those dragons...I know it can't be easy but know I am cheering you on! The Gansey is are so motivated to do the hard, not so much! LOL!
    Congratulations also on your walking challenge award! Your grand-daughter has lost her baby face and is looking like a little girl now....they grow up so fast! Daffodils? Wow! That's early! We're supposed to get an ice storm....I hope we don't lose power but we probably will. Stay warm and enjoy your treasures when they arrive!

  6. Lots of progress on things including battling the demons. Your granddaughter is looking more grown up but still cute! I love how you justify ordering more wool to get free shipping lol I'm the same!

  7. Your beautiful new sewing cabinet took my breath away! I hope that your mom's machine fits nicely- regardless it is a BEAUTIFUL piece.

    The gansey is coming along nicely! And I can't believe you have daffodils ALREADY! Ours are a late-March early-April show.

    Keep up the excellent job in managing your mental health. Some days are really hard- and that's ok.

  8. Ok, you had my full attention with that beautiful sewing machine cabinet. What a gorgeous find. Yay you! I'm a couple of days late from when you posted, but I hope you are continuing to do well. I'm hoping when the weather warms back up again for walking my knee is in the mood. I hurt it a couple of months ago, then it seemed to heal up, then yesterday it went wonky a bit again. I think walking exercise is what I need, but I need a stable knee to walk that much. Anyway... I hope it all comes together when I'm ready to get outside.


I look forward to reading the comments. It makes me feel like I am not just posting into the void.