Sunday, January 9, 2022

Yopping Update #28 - A frog, A finish, and one wee little gnome

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I was almost finished my second gansey wrister and then realized I really wasn't liking the fit so....FROG!

I may try to re-knit in a smaller size, but I really started these because I had nothing on my needles and wasn't inspired to start anything else.   But now I have lots of ideas so the wristers may or may not get back in the queue.  Life is too short to knit anything but things that give me joy. 

I did finish another pair of socks - which I LOVE.  General Hogbuffer patterns are always a delight to knit - and these ones honoured Gladys Thompson who knit a book on Guernseys, so it was a win-win.  As a side note I have requested her book from my local library so I hope to read it soon. 

Gladys in Dandelion colourway of Knitpicks Stroll

I then started to swatch for my next gansey.  I am still creating the final pattern, but swatching is a good idea when going rogue on a pattern.  I want to make this gansey longer so wear over leggings - more like a tunic than a sweater, and I am still finalizing the motifs I want to use but a dragon will be the main focus on the front and back. 

Ah yes, there will be math involved

Last night I started my first advent gnome - well, started and finished! One done, 23 to go.


duplicate stitch is not my favourite pasttime

Otis does not like sharing the Havana blanket with Gnaomi

I have entered both the socks and the gnome in the Harry Potter Cup Challenge.  It is a group that my dear friend Fitznstarts got me into.  I love the Harry Potter books, and it is a fun way to get credit for projects I have on the go each month.  If you are on Ravelry and want to check it out you can find the group here. 

I did get my gansey scarf blocked this week.  It blocked out to 8 inches wide and 58 inches long. 

It is hard to get a photo of such a long scarf

The weather has warmed up above freezing so my little hummingbirds are doing well.  If fact today the sun is shining and the roads seem clear of snow so I am off for a walk.  My exercise for much of last week was shovelling snow!

My daughter requested a snowman  (she misses the snow) so on Thursday I made her and my granddaughter this:

Her Dad's toque, my mitts, my grandfather's scarf, a carrot nose (of course), pomegranite mouth, and the eyes are chocolate bells from the chocolate shop!

I sent her the photo and received this delightful one in return. 

walking softly and carrying a big rock!

We had some nighttime visitors on Wednesday night.  

little raccoon feet in the snow
the two dollar coin gives a reference to size

Okay, okay, the sun is shining and I must get out for a walk before more snow comes.  I think I will wear my new gansey scarf!


  1. I love all your gansey items. The gnomes look like a fun project to do over the course of the year. I have yet to knit a General Hogbuffer but I've favorited quite a few of his patterns. Doing one of his patterns needs to be a sock goal for either this year or next.

  2. I had to laugh at are so clever! Too bad about the wristers but the scarf turned out gorgeous!Love those marigold socks. What's the difference between gansey and guernsey sweaters? Just different regions? The snowman is adorable and so is the granddaughter!

    1. yes ganseys and guernseys are the same - just different regions. That is funny Gnaom1, now I need to make Gnaom2!

  3. Your Gansey scarf is beautiful! Was it as nice to wear as it is to look at??
    I agree that life is too short to knit things you don't love.

    1. It is very soft, but actually today I didn't wear it because it was quite warm in the sun.

  4. Those gansey socks are super cute!

  5. Wow! The Gladys socks are beautiful. And 24 gnomes!?! How fun. Your knitted softies are the best.

  6. You've been busy as usual. Love the scarf and the gnome is cute but not as cute as your granddaughter.

  7. I love your gansey projects. Do the patterns on your scarf have meaning to you or was this a pattern you followed. I just love how they can hide a story in plain sight. Our snow is melting and you've just reminded me that I haven't made a snowman this year! Let's hope it snows again. :)

    1. It was a KAL with wolhobby. The last design says 2021! Also in the middle it reads HO HO. Very clever.

  8. Super socks and that scarf is so pretty! Could be framed and on a wall for warm season admiring!

  9. I agree, if there is no joy in your project it needs to be gone. The socks are super cute. Love the bright color. Your scarf blocked out beautifully. Thanks for the photo of the snowman. We don't get snow at my house either so I enjoyed seeing it. But, the photo of your Grand Daughter was the best.

  10. Your gansey scarf is amazing, I love it and will be perfect to wrap up in! You did a great job on that snowman!

  11. Your gansey scarf is amazing, I love it and will be perfect to wrap up in! You did a great job on that snowman!


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