Sunday, January 23, 2022

Yopping Update #30 - Beekeeping and knitting - What?

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Well I hope my title got your attention.  As I mentioned last week I have been participating in a challenge on Ravelry that revolves around the themes of the Harry Potter series.  I challenged myself to spin 100gm of locks I have in my fibre stash and to do this I wanted to source out some combs to tease out the locks before spinning and then to learn how to use the diz I won in Tour de Fleece two summers ago. 

Sourcing combs was a) frustrating because almost everywhere I looked they were out of stock, and b) they are very expensive (around $175 for a set of mini combs).  While searching aimlessly I came across a blog that talks about an inexpensive alternative.  Beekeeping uncapping combs.  What?  I know, right.  So I went online to Princess Auto and ordered two, that with shipping included, was under $20.  Who doesn't love a bargain. 

The challenge started yesterday so I go out my new 'combs' and after watching this video to explain how to use wool combs I set to work. 

First comb loaded

first little bird nest ready to spin

and she's off

Otherwise this week I have been working on my gansey.  I started the motifs and bsides the first row having the wrong stitch count (because apparently I can't add and then multiple x2) and having to tink back and fix it - the following 41 rows have been smooth (albeit slow) sailing.  I average about 10 rows a day and because the motifs repeat I can watch tv and only rarely have to reverse a knit or purl stitch that I have misplaced. 

I am looking for some long dpns (12 - 16 inches) in 2.25mm and I want to try using a knitting belt for these ganseys.  I think my hand wouldn't cramp up as it seems too lately with the circular needles I am using.  Knitting Belts and long dpns are the traditional way to knit ganseys.  I can't seem to find a source in Canada, and I hate paying the exchange and the shipping and the duty costs from the USA.  I'll keep looking, but so far no luck.  

I am almost at the point where I can start the underarm gussets

Since I was on a Harry Potter theme via Ravelry my dh and I watched all the HP movies over the past couple of weeks.  Now the new season of Ozark is up, and we have also been watching YellowJackets so I am lined up this week for more tv knitting, or Knitflixing as my friend Fitznstarts calls it.  Oh, and also the new season of Billions starts tonight!

I got quite a bit of walking in this week, and lo and behold Spring really is coming because a) 

the ducks are back in the pond

and b)

I just re-read last week's blog post and I did manage to vacuum and dust, however the windows still need washing and it is more noticeable at the moment because the sun is shining and apparently will continue to do so for a week or so.  I better get to it. 

One of my walks took me to the local garden store to look for a new pot for my jade tree that needs a new home.  I couldn't find one I liked (in my price range).  When did plant pots get sooooo expensive?  But I did buy myself a new addition for my front porch. 

Lenten Rose

So there is my week.  A lot of walking, some retail therapy, some knitting and Knitflixing, and even some fibre prep and spinning.  

Is January over yet?  I want January to be over.  Pandemic fatigue is real for me these days, but I am hoping that the arrival of the spring birds and plants will get me over the hump and into February.  

At least February is only 28 days long.



  1. Your gansey is beautiful, I look forward to seeing that finished. What a good idea about the combs. I’ve never understood why combs are so expensive. I found a reasonable pair but I don’t use them too much. To be honest they look pretty dangerous, I much prefer the look of these!

  2. A lenten rose....never heard ofnit but it sure is a beauty. You have done quite a bit on your gansey too. I had seen knitting belts before but never knew of anyone that used one. If you get one, please show us how you do it. Spring us just around the corner, but I wish winter would hang on in my area for a bit longer. I am not ready forbtemps above 75F yet.

  3. Your lenten rose is beautiful. Hopefully that is adding some spring in your home. I too just love the ducks. It's one of the advantages if wintering on a pond in Naples, FL. There are several varieties here that finally arrived this month. How clever to come up with combs for your spinning!!

  4. Such a pretty gansey. What pattern is that?

    1. I am using the size from beth brown-reinsel's Eriskay, but I have put in my own motifs from other pattern books. So, I guess you can say it is my own design. I am going to incorporate Tahesha the Dragoness on the front and back (which will be a challenge I am up for.)

  5. I hear you on the spring thing ... We've had more snow over the weekend, I'm so tired of grey light and fog and snow. It's going to take at least another two weeks until the snowdrops will come out. *sigh*


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