Sunday, February 6, 2022

Yopping Update #32 - Two dragons down, one to go

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Well, they are done.  A dragon on the front and back of my latest gansey. It took eight days and as my husband pointed out there may have been a curse word or two, and a LOT of counting stitches.  

Tahesha - the dragoness
It is a brilliant pattern, well-written, well-explained and worth every penny.  

Of course I can't rest on my laurels too long.  Tonight I have been doing the math so I can start the gansey shoulder straps.  The charting is done so I might cast on a few rows.  Or maybe I'll just knit a wee little advent gnome. 

As far as the dragon formerly known as my mental health - well, that dragon has been more of a tussle. I am thankful for Tahesha to let me focus on her instead of the fact I stayed in my pjs much of the week.  

However, on the bright side - literally - it was a beautiful warm and sunny day today and we went to the beach where I walked for a couple of miles on the rocky shore and found a lovely cove with a hidden access where I plan to swim.  It is quite private, away from the crowds, and the access has parking at the top so my dh can follow me down and be my lifeguard while I swim.  I was tempted to go in today, but alas I didn't have my swimsuit on and it wasn't so private that skinny dipping would have been a good idea.  

Next time I will be prepared. 

My first two of four amaryllis blossoms have come out, and I did wash my kitchen windows this past week, so my garden nook is quite stupendous if I do say so myself. 

Of course nothing could cheer me up more than a video chat with my dear granddaughter.  I watched her play with her Peppa Pig playhouse and she showed her Grandpa how the topsy-turvy doll I made her for Christmas worked.  It was a lovely way to be woken up yesterday.  

And then today this popped up on my phone

Dear granddaughter capturing my heart as she wades in the February sea

So that is my week.  I have a doctor appointment tomorrow for this chronic eye infection I am dealing with, an echocardiogram on Tuesday (a yearly follow-up), and a dental hygiene appointment on Wednesday!  Oh joy, O rapture! (Not.)

So life goes on and I go along with it.

Also, I have become a Wordle addict.  It is all the rage these days on facebook - my baby brother got me hooked, and now I have discovered a Croatian version and a French version so I can practice my second and third languages. I also spend far too much time playing Wordscapes.

Do you play Wordle?  Or any other word games I should know about?  
Let me know in the comments. 


  1. is a maths one my friends who aren't playing Wordl are playing. I am not downloading them as I get too addicted to games and stop being productive then beat myself up. Your gansey dragon is amazing. One day at a time with your other dragon. I hope you get the opportunity to have some lovely walks or a swim between all your appointments.

  2. No word GameShark. I used to play word with friends but everyone stopped playing and I was left without "friends". That dragon on the gansey is stunning. Wow!!! I mean, really, really stunning. Sounds like you have a busy week with health appointments. Hopefully everything will come back A-OK.

  3. Definitely a wordle fan here. Most of our kids and partners and I play and post our results on our WhatsApp group each morning. I like the fact that it's only 1 a day. But I've also discovered Globle and I have checked out Nerdle a maths version but that's a bit more brain taxing lol

  4. Your dragon is amazing! And your flowers are beautiful. That looks like such a welcoming spot with all the plants.

  5. Your dragon is amazing! And your flowers are beautiful. That looks like such a welcoming spot with all the plants.


I look forward to reading the comments. It makes me feel like I am not just posting into the void.