Sunday, March 6, 2022

Yopping Update #36 - Wee little clothes

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Ready or not here I am!  My gansey is off the blocking mat and on me!

thanks to the weather I have been wearing this all week. 

I have been knitting little clothes for Maisie the Pig - she now has a cardigan and a pair of French Knickers and one shoe.

One shoe?  Yes one shoe because I ran out of yarn half way through the second shoe - so, oh dear, I had to place another yarn order.  Of course I didn't just order the one ball of yarn - so I am waiting for six more balls to arrive at my door this coming week and then I can finish the 2nd shoe and perhaps add the missing rows to her dress as well. 

Meanwhile I started another animal.  Can you tell what it will be from the pieces? 

Stay tuned. 

That's it on the knitting front.  My son is coming for a visit in two weeks so I will get him to pick out the motifs for his gansey and then order the yarn to get started on that. 

I have been doing some more combing and spinning - slow going - I am just not into spinning too much these days. 

I started transcribing my parents' war letters.  It is quite an experience to read words they wrote when they first met and married.  It is also something to read about some of the experiences my father had overseas.  It is slow going - now I know where I inherited my horrible handwriting - from both of them!

Other than that I have noticed my mood is improving - and until the last three days I can't say it is because of the weather - it was very wet and cold up until Friday.  I took advantage the last two days of walking out in the sunshine, and yesterday bought a coffee and sat in the plaze and people watched for about thirty minutes.  Today it is lovely and sunny and all those sticks and cedar fall in the front and back yard are not going to rake themselves. After I post this I will head out to load up my green waste bins. 

The visit last Sunday with my two nephews was wonderful.  We didn't stop talking from the time they arrived until they left four hours later.  It was grand!

Speaking of grand - my daughter and her family went on a hike this past week and I received some lovely photos I will share with your before signing off. 

Happy crafting all!

gd's friend taking the lead

and at the top they found SNOW!


  1. You make the loveliest of things.

  2. So glad you are feeling better. Your sweater looks amazing. Even in Ohio it would be too hot to wear this weekend but no fear it will be back to freezing by next weekend. So I'm curious, are the little animals for you or are they gifts? Can't help notice the piano and organ(?). Were you a music teacher? I have my childhood upright piano in my bedroom and a baby grand in the living room. I play neither of them.

    1. Yes I have a baby grand, and the other is an electric piano that my kids and husband used but I am not such a fan of. I did teach piano for a time, both myself and my kids tooks lessons for years and I did teach music at the school - both choirs and instruments.

    2. Not sure where all the animals will go - I am making this next one for my son - time will tell - I make them and then just the right receipient arrives!

  3. Your gansey is gorgeous. Maisie the pig is all decked out in some cute clothing. Too bad about the shoe. The fact you HAD to order more yarn is just a real crying shame. LOL I have no idea what the next animal is. Will be fun to find out next week. I bet you are excited to see your son again. Your GD is so cute hiking like a big person.

  4. You have to order more yarn? Oh darn! I may need to do that as well. But really, I have enough yarn. But I like it. ::sigh::

  5. You and Maisie look fabulous in your new tops. The colours are kind of fox like so that’s my guess for what’s next on the needles.

  6. I've been a bit AWOL with YOPing so I'm doing a some catching up tonight. Your Gansey is a stunner. Just gorgeous! Good job, Mary-Anne. And Maisie is so cute, and her clothes adorable. I love your knitted softies. :)


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