Saturday, August 13, 2011

sun, sand, mead, and me

As summer winds down, at least for me, I have spent a glorious number of days on the little island with three of my siblings, my husband, and two great-nephews. Sleeping late, crossword puzzles, chasing the sun around the yard, swimming, winery visits, campfires.....ahhhhh.

This is relaxing at its best. Good food, good conversation, good friendships, and comfort.

Comfort is a state of mind, not the owning of things, or the acquiring of things....just comfort - in my own skin, and in the company of those around me.

Yesterday we saw three eagles in full flight, chasing each other, slamming into each other, one even turning somersaults. What an amazing sight. How lucky we all were to witness something so wild and free.

I got a little too much sun yesterday (well I worked hard at this chasing the sun from spot to spot to spot from 10am until 6pm, but I feel good, and strong and healthy.

That can't be a bad way to end the summer.

1 comment:

  1. The visit sounds perfect. But this end of summer of which you speak is a little too soon, methinks. It's not over yet!


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