Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Work-in-Progress Wednesday

I started another sweater. I think it is a keeper despite the 252 stitches I had to pick up this afternoon, and the fact that even though I read the " making sure wrong sides are together..." I still joined the shoulder seams with the right sides together and had to undo....Argh!

Work-in-progress Wednesday is not so much about my knitting, but about me.

I have upped my Effexor.

I am taking a tablespoon of fish oil every day.

I am taking 1-2 tablespoons of calcium and magnesium every day.

I am taking a vitamin C dose every day.

I am taking a vitamin B pill every day.

I took myself to the Korean spa for a thirty minute body scrub and then lay in the salt room, the earth room and the charcoal room plus twenty minutes in the hot tub.

I am teaching an ex-student of mine to make socks.

I am accepting some subbing jobs.

I am swimming.

I am going to yoga.

I am a work-in-progress.

Depression lies, but it doesn't stand a chance.

Not this time.


  1. And you are writing. You go girl! I'm down here barracking for you. Team Mary-Anne is growing...

  2. I am on team Mary-Anne too. A wise and lovely person said to me 'one step at a time' just recently and I know she is taking her own advice just as I am taking it.

    1. yes, sometimes it is great to hear our own advice coming back at us. Thanks!

  3. Sounds like you're doing a great job taking care of yourself! That's so important.

    Good luck with the sweater! Ripping, reknitting, etc., is such a pain in the moment, but it looks like it will be beautiful in the end!

    1. Thank you. I see from your blog we are both making sock yarn blankets. Fun, no?

    2. So much fun! I think I still have a few years to go, but I'm getting there!


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