Sunday, October 10, 2021

Yopping Update #15 - Getting Organized

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I have been MIA for the past few weeks.  My mental health has taken a downturn, probably due in part to a series of migraines that have kept me more homebound than usual. 

I think the clouds are beginning to part.  I did finally catch up on reading three weeks worth of blog posts - something that just seemed too hard until Friday.  

I have been stalled in my knitting as I wait for a yarn order, but while I wait I have been organizing my patterns and projects. 

My Knitting Ganseys book was falling apart and trying to tape the pages together wasn't working so I ordered some sheet protectors so I could put the pages into a binder.  It was easier to order 100 sheet protectors so once I had the Gansey patterns safely in a binder I decided to go through all my other paper patterns and to organize them, and throw out any patterns that I would never make.  That was an epic fail - I think I only threw out three patterns!  

It didn't take long to use up all the remaining sheet protectors

I did finish my gnome KAL yesterday and I think I can post a picture now because all the clues have been released. 
Gnorwen and her ice-cream cone (which looks more like a wee baby)

After she was finished I didn't feel like casting anything on so instead I organized my sock stash and matched it up with patterns so I have seven project bags with the appropriate yarn and pattern all ready to go.  

Now to pick one and get knitting

I also wanted to start knitting a Beatrix Potter trio of Peter Rabbit, Jemima Puddle-duck and Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle.  I didn't have the right colours for Peter, or his jacket so yesterday I HAD to make a Knitpicks order to rectify that.  Well, we all know how the story goes - I had to get free shipping so an Elizabeth Zimmerman pattern book, some needles, and yes, some more sock yarn hopped into my cart.  

I have started with Jimima because I have the correct colours for her.

I think because of my low mood I have been doing more than my fair share of retail therapy.  I am currently waiting on two wool orders and also another long legged swim suit for winter swimming.  Oh...and also a box of chocolate treats!

I received Kate Davies' BlueStockings book in the mail a couple of weeks ago.  I have already made one of the patterns and two more are ready in the above mentioned project bags. 

The book has wonderful illustrations and articles on the women involved in the Bluestockings Group of the 18th century.  I am enjoying reading their biographies immensely. 

self portrait of me while I knit - lol

Walking this week I saw this driftwood - doesn't it look like a hummingbird?

Fall in my front yard

My grand-daughter has been happily casting spells - "I turn YOU into a frog!"

I got their Christmas parcel into the mail last Monday.  I hope that this year it makes it before December 24th! Maybe I can ask her to cast a spell about that!

Cuteness overload

The other news of the week is that I did publish my novel on Amazon as an ebook.  You can read about the launch here.

So there it is and here I am.  It is Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend so today my dh and I are making a roast chicken dinner.  I am blessed that my family is safe and healthy.  I really cannot ask for anything more. 

If you want to follow other bloggers that are involved in this Year of Projects group you can connect to their posts on the top right-hand side of this blog.  


  1. The gnome!!!! She is precious. Your gnome knitting is just awesome. Donyou have them all together like a village or kingdom of gnomes?

    Sorry to hear your headaches ruined you moods. I will say you did some wonderful organizing during that time.

    I laughed when I read about the shopping trip to knit picks and free shipping. I thought I was the only one that does that to avoid that $7.75 shipping cost. No matter that I spent an extra $75 to do it. It makes sense to me but not my do.

    Hopefully this week will be a better one for you.

  2. I hope your migraines get resolved. I can't imagine dealing with that kind of pain. How fun to have all those sock project bags packed. I may borrow that idea. I know I will have a goal of knitting a pair a month next year. It would be fun to do them grab bag style.

  3. I'm a migraine sufferer too and totally understand the toll they can take. Glad things are looking up for you.

    Love the progress you've made with your organization -- well done!

  4. So sorry you have been struggling...sometimes I think the change of seasons has more effect on us than we think. that driftwood DOES look like a hummer! Those 2 little ones walking hand in hand is TOO CUTE for sure. I tried to look at your new release but there was a problem. Congratulations fir sure! I've also found when you achieve a major milestone in life (like publishing your first book) there can be a let down after you have worked so hard to accomplish something like that. But I could be all wrong! LOL! I love Beatrix Potter and those are going to be so adorable! I hope all your treasures come this week!

  5. I’m so sorry you were having a rough time lately and glad you’re on the upswing.
    The page protectors idea is BRILLIANT! I don’t have too many printed patterns right now but I’ll keep that in mind as that pile gets larger :D

  6. I was going through an old post this evening and saw a comment from you back in 2013 and thought I'd pop over to see if you were still blogging. I'm happy to read about your projects, and hope that the blues soon disappear.

  7. The gnome is lovely! I am excited to see Beatrix Potters characters come to life as a knit toys!! :)

  8. I really hope the migraines are easing and this week has gone well. I had to chuckle at ghe organising of patterns- I do the same myself! It sounds as though you are now thoroughly organised and ready when those orders arrive.


I look forward to reading the comments. It makes me feel like I am not just posting into the void.