First announcement - My husband finally got his suitcase (missing for two weeks) so hurray for that.
Second announcement - After 25 hours of travel I safely returned home last Tuesday night and miracle of miracles my suitcase arrived with me!
The rest of the week has been recovering from jetlag. I think I am almost turned around and starting to feel somewhat rested.
Because I was so worried about lost luggage my carry-on was almost all knitted things - 27 gnomes, my Spice Market shawl and my Birdsong sweater. I was wearing my favourite handknit socks and of course my Dragon gansey. Suffice to say I was never cold on any on the three flights!
I took a picture of all the things I had knit while away:
9 gnomes, Birdsong, 24 blanket squares,9 1/2 socks And a partridge in a pear tree! |
I arrived home to a number of parcels that had been delivered in my absence. It was like Christmas! A wool order from KnitPicks (including a yarn spindle), some long dpns from Etsy, two mini skeins and a yarn gauge I won during the Year of Gnomes, some fleece lined leggings, a new top and a blanket I had ordered (to keep me warm after my swims), and a present from my sister of a large flannel shirt to also wear after swimming and that is big enough I can put it over my head and change under it so I don't flash the whole beach after my swims!
Yarn cake holder - it spins! |
There was mountains of mail to go through, and of course unpacking and three loads of laundry. Chores I was happy to do because it meant I was home!
My dear husband met me at the airport with a Rainbow Roll from my favourite sushi restaurant since Air Canada doesn't feed you on the five hour flight, and I hadn't had sushi for almost four month! Shocking I know!!
In between sleeping and waking cycles I managed to block both my Birdsong and the 24 gansey blanket squares:
On the knitting front I have been working on finishing another sock - Caffe Mocha - I am down to the toe,
picking up my son's gansey (I have done the shoulder straps and I am now on the first sleeve),
and I started the Passerine toque to go with my Birdsong sweater.
Tomorrow I am going for my CoVid booster and flu shot. I have a To-Do list literally a mile long of things to do and people to contact now I am home, but I can't seem to do more that one thing on it per day.
(Okay it isn't a mile long - but there are 29 line items and it takes a whole page of my bullet journal.)
I haven't got back to the ocean yet, but I did get out for a nice forest walk a couple of days ago. It has been cold and rainy here but I found a window without rain to go check out my local duck pond and re-acquaint myself with the beautiful trees in the woodland trail. (Note to self - wear a toque and gloves next time - it is not like you don't have a LOT of them).
Speaking of a lot of knitted things - I think I have to stop knitting socks! Either that or join some Sock Knitters Anonymous group. (I mean a real SKA 12 step group because the SKA group on Ravelry just encourages you to knit more socks!) I have a drawer full of hand knit socks and it is overflowing with at least fifty pairs. Many of them I have never worn as I tend to have a few favourites and I just keep recycling through them. I am thinking maybe I should get a table at a spring craft market and sell some of them but it is like asking me to sell my children - I am so attached to them all! Stay tuned - calmer heads may prevail.
So that is all for this week. I am two days late with this post already, and I am blaming jetlag. I think my etheric body is somewhere over central Canada at this moment. I am hoping for it to catch up with me very very soon.
I've been living under my new sloth blanket as I sloth-out on the couch! |
Oooo. I forgot I have a pair of socks I can show you because they aren't part of my test knits. These were such a fun knit, and great for using up leftover sock yarn. I do love mosaic knitting!
Dear Readers, I hope you are fairing well through this winter. And take heart, my daffodils are peeking up out of the soil. Spring is coming!