Sunday, September 29, 2019

Yopping Update #13 - making progress

I am making slow and steady progress on both my fisherwoman's sweater and my knit slip love shawl.  This despite being away from Monday - Wednesday and being sick with a rotten cold from Wednesday and still counting.

My son is arriving on Wednesday for the month of October and he wants to go camping so finishing the sweater is my main priority now. 

Stitch marker shows where I had tinked back last week

So far so good with the arm. I am knitting a few hours a night and switching between the two projects if the cabling on the sweater gets too tedious. 

three sections done this week, three more to go until done
Thank goodness for Netflix as I sit most days in my jammies sipping cold medication.  We have been watching Fleabag, and Kim's Convenience.  Now they are done and I need to find a new binge.  Any suggestions will be appreciated. 

No pool this week because of my cold, and only one short walk on Tuesday.  I will walk to my hair appointment this afternoon.  I am sooooo overdo and will be glad to get my shaggy mop under control. 

Fall is truly here.  The juncos and nuthatches are emptying the bird feeder rapidly, and the stellar jays are happily picking up the left overs.  The poor cat thinks he must be on high alert watching their comings and goings so he is spending most of his days on the porch observing the antics.  The hummingbirds have been squabbling over their feeder, and the squirrels have completely removed all the apples from our trees.  Everyone is getting ready for winter.

My dear grand-daughter turned 9 months old on Thursday and my daughter called us for a nice video chat.  Baby girl is now standing on her own for a few seconds at a time, and babbling away to her gramma in Canada. 

my daughter calls her the boobasaurus

Now, back to that sweater - it needs to be done before the rainy windy camping trip on the Pacific West Coast!


  1. How can she be 9 months old already?! I hope you feel better soon.

  2. 9 months? Wow. Your projects are moving right along. Now if you cold would move along to somewhere else lol. Hope you feel better soon. Sounds like a good time with your son coming.

  3. It looks like you've gotten quite a bit done on your sweater. And the colorwork on your shawl looks pretty! What a sweet picture of your boobasaurus. But I just don't understand how she could be 9 months old already! Time flies! I hope you get all better soon in time for your son's arrival.

  4. Oh that is one cute dinosaur, she looks like she’ll soon be running time flies. Your son is hardy camping in Fall! The jumper will keep him cosy though, but I’d need that as just my underlayer 😂

  5. There has definitely been something going around...I've been fighting it all week and so have others. Have you ever watched When Calls The Heart, Anne with an "E" and The Crown on Netflix?....I've also been known to watch Hart of Dixie series for a mindless comedy but it's cute.
    That sweater is going to get dirty in the woods! LOL! You need to make a dark brown one for camping and keep the cream one for "Sunday go to meetin'". I cannot believe your grand daughter is 9 months old already. So cute in the dragon costume. Have fun camping! It must be beautiful there in the Fall.

  6. Boobasaurus! Hahaha! I can imagine.
    Your Fisherwoman's Sweater looks amazing and toasty warm. I do wish to learn cables one day but will I have the patience? Enjoy the time with your son. Mine has moved interstate and I miss him.

  7. Wow, can't believe she is nine months! She is gorgeous in the suit. The projects look great and the jumper is coming on really nicely.


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