Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Sweat, Tears, and the Sea

"The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea.~Isak Dinesen

This quote came from The Healthy Knitter today and I could relate to it big time.  

Salt water has been my solace, my strength, and my salvation.  When I have dealt with life's hard moments I find that crying, or sweating or swimming is what will save me every time.  

Today when I awoke it had just begun to snow.  I sat in the living room, just me and Otis the cat, watching the snow fall.  The Christmas lights were on, the advent candles were lit, and my German nativity carousel was slowly spinning.

I sent my daughter pictures of the tree, the snow, the cat and the candles.

She replied that it is a perfect Christmas moment.  

It was.  

On this day I am thankful for all the water in my life be it salty or fresh, frozen, running, or still.  

It is funny as I am an air sign and many many of the other signs in my horoscope are earth signs - but water is my element.  

When I am in water, I am in my element.  

Do you have an element?  

1 comment:

I look forward to reading the comments. It makes me feel like I am not just posting into the void.