Tuesday, December 12, 2017

No better place to be

My dh and I went down to the Quay for a late lunch.  It was a beautiful sunny day, and we took our lunch outside to eat.

The seagulls were circling, the pigeons were cooing, the sparrows were filling the trees with their winter song.  The seabus was going to and fro.

Did I mention the sun was shining? The sky so blue.

It wasn't the least bit cold.

An Advent blessing for sure.

A second happy day.

Baking done.

Cards in the mail.

Skype with my daughter.

Phone call with my son.

And knitting. 

Another good day.

An Advent blessing for sure.

1 comment:

I look forward to reading the comments. It makes me feel like I am not just posting into the void.