Saturday, April 24, 2021

U is for URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

 A to Z(ed) blogging Challenge - (my) Life in the TIme of CoVid-19  

U is for URL (Uniform Resource Locator)


Even though I was a computer programmer/analyst for ten years I didn't know what URL stood for so I had to research that before starting this post.  If you didn't know either then you're welcome. 

My logbook is full of URL's.  Some for online shopping like the one in the page above.  Some for email addresses.  Some for zoom meetings.  

I wish I could say they are all on one page so they can be easily found when I need to reference them, but alas, it is not to be.  They are simply scribbled down on the next blank space available as soon as I found a pen or pencil which was never as easily done as it should have been.  Ah to be organized. 

Ironically when people ask me where they can find my blog, I usually can't remember the URL offhand.  I often think I should get some business cards made just so I can remember.  Is there a hyphen, or not? Is it .com or .ca? Really, my mind is like a sieve when it comes to names of people, or apparently my own URL.  Don't get me started as to whether it starts http, or https.  It doesn't seem to matter which I use as the computer always seems smart enough to find me. 

I have sometimes played around with google search to see what happens when I put in the name of this blog, Breathing LIfe, or a topic I have written about.  Sometimes Google can find me.  Often not. 

URLs are a fact of our life now.  Even more so in the Time of CoVid-19.  



  1. My notebook is A5 size and I got a pen quiver for it and it actually fits a pen, pencil and a small ruler in and they maybe have them in A4 size. I never let myself borrow those pens in the quiver for another reason.

  2. I number the pages of my notebooks and have an index page(s) at the front. Only one topic on a page though lol


I look forward to reading the comments. It makes me feel like I am not just posting into the void.