Thursday, November 14, 2019

November 14 - Half way to done

I am just about to head back to the school to do my board prep for my 5:20pm class.  Once this class is over I will be half way through my teaching week.  Tonight I will meet some friends for dinner and there may or may not be wine, but there likely will be whine.  And laughter.  Lots of laughter.

The teaching is going well.  A student told me today that she is enjoying my class so  - yay me.

I managed to get a swim in again today and although my hip is still wonky, it is not as wonky as it was as long as I am careful with it.  At least stairs are becoming more manageable even though long flights still require me to take steps one at a time. 

My ride is here so I am off. 

Wish me luck as we attempt two drawings - an eight pointed form with parallelograms and another eight pointed form with trapezoids. 

Should be fun?


  1. Such a busy girl...and loving it! I would like to see your drawings after class.

  2. Having a student voice their appreciation of your teaching is really nice. :)


I look forward to reading the comments. It makes me feel like I am not just posting into the void.