Tuesday, November 19, 2019

November 19 - I got this

Things are shifting and in the right direction.  Today I spent at school evaluating two teachers.  I was home by 3pm and set to making lasagne for an early dinner. While it baked I wrote up the evaluations and then by 5:15 decided to call it a day and enjoy my dinner while watching another episode of The Crown.

Tonight I am going to a lecture on how to lower your biological age.  It has been on my calendar for ages and if it had been a month ago I would have cancelled.  But I am feeling stronger mentally and even my wonky hip seems to slowly be working itself out.

Life is such a journey of ups and downs.  When I am down I forget that I will go up again - sometimes with the help of the medical profession, but up none-the-less.  When I am up I think I will never be down again.

As Ferron says "Life don't clickety clack down the straight line track it comes together and it comes apart."

Wise woman that Ferron.

Wise woman.


  1. Oh, that lasagna sounds good...it's supper time here! LOL! Glad you are feeling better. My hip has been out of whack for a couple days now but walking has helped. IT throws things back into alignment. I need to watch The Crown. I watched the first season....have I missed one? I didn't know it was continuing. I loved the first one.
    Yes, ups and downs, sunshine and rain....one makes you apreciate the other or not. Have continuous great days!

  2. I just discovered season 3 of The Crown yesterday! Makes being sick just little better. I came down with the crud yesterday too. :^/

  3. I'm loving Season 3 of the Crown!

  4. Hmmmm...how to lower the biological age.....interesting. That Ferron is very wise indeed


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