Saturday, November 23, 2019

November 23 - Planting seeds

Today was the Children's Christmas Faire at the school where I used to teach.  I went to get candles and to enjoy having a cup of coffee while listening to the students play violin.  It turned out to be a day full of much more than that. 

I lost track of how many hugs I received from new students and ones I taught years ago.  Meeting the children of the children I taught.  Chatting with parents of the students I have had.  Exchanging hellos and smiles with the colleagues I still meet when I mentor or evaluate teachers at the school in recent weeks. 

It was overwhelming, but in a good way. 

And then this woman stopped me and introduced me to her daughter.  I had helped this woman and her daughter so very many years ago when I was a La Leche League leader and they were struggling with breastfeeding.  She reminded me that all those years ago I had told her about doulas and how they could help woman when they were in labour.  She hadn't been able to find a doula all those years ago.  But now she tells me her daughter, this lovely young woman standing before me, is a doula. 

"You planted a seed all those years ago", she said.  "Don't forget you planted a seed."

She, of course, had no idea how much I needed to hear that these days. 

We never can know all the seeds we have planted in this journey we call life.  We can never know what comes of those seeds.  I am grateful that today I was reminded that I had touched someone's life.  I am grateful she took the time to thank me. 

A simple exchange that has left me feeling so very very blessed.

1 comment:

I look forward to reading the comments. It makes me feel like I am not just posting into the void.