Monday, November 18, 2019

November 18 - When I make plans God laughs

If you read my post yesterday you would know that for the first time in six days I was going to sleep in this morning. 


I was WIDE awake at 4am, and nothing I did could persuade me to go back to sleep so I finally got up at 4:45 to make coffee and to have a bit of a chat with my daughter over WhatsApp. 

Around 7:30 I was feeling tired so I headed back to bed for a fitful sleep until 10am. 

Up I got for another round of coffee with my dh and then I headed to the pool for my 30 minutes of arm and hip exercises.  I mostly walked against the current so I think I had a good workout. 

I did get some knitting in today while I caught up on Grey's Anatomy.  Now I am making sure I get this blog done before bed. 

I am working all day tomorrow evaluating two teachers so once again I have to wake up with the early alarm.  And on Wednesday too.  Hopefully on Thursday when I can really sleep in God will be busy elsewhere and let me get to it. 

My hip is s l o w l y improving and I will take it.  Any progress is good progress, right?

We have been watching the new season of The Crown and I have many many ends to sew in on my socks so I better get back to it before bed (which feels like it should be right now, but it is only 8:45). 

So yah, God is playing jokes on me right now. 

I would think he would have more important and pressing things to do. 


  1. I totally can relate! But living alone I can set my own hours without disturbing anyone else. So usually I figure 5 hours is about my usual need for sleep anymore. Isn't it funny....when I was raising kids and working full time and on call 24/7 I would have given anything to sleep in but now that I internal alarm wakes me up!

  2. How annoying but I'm sure you enjoyed catching up with your daughter. I hope on Thursday you get your lie in.

  3. I figure when I wake up that early it means God wants me to chit chat with Him for a bit. You have had a good day, it sounds like. Hopefully you get a late sleep in on Thursday.


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