Thursday, November 28, 2019

November 28 - Now it feels like Christmas

I was up my 7 this morning and after coffee and breakfast I headed to the pool.  I was home by 12 and had just enough time for a quick lunch before my dh and I headed out to a performance of the Grimm's fairy tale The Queen Bee.

This production happens every year at the end of November and it is a collaboration of students from the school where I used to teach and a group of special needs adults.  There is music and movement as the story is told.  The costumes are simple and colourful.  The striving of the young people is something to behold. 

Every year it seems the Christmas spirit can be a bit elusive, but every year this performance reminds me of the beauty in simple things. 

After the performance the sky was so blue and the sun so bright that my dh suggested we head over to one of our local beaches for a walk.  My first reaction was - at this time?  We will hit rush hour coming home!  However a little voice inside me said to go with it and so we did.  It was lovely and quiet, the waves lapping, the birds singing, and a huge bald eagle flew overhead for a time. 

After an hour we headed home in what should have been a snarl of rush hour traffic, but by the grace of God we drove home without any traffic woes. 

I am so grateful for today.


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